Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Matry- 27 weeks. First day of my last trimester!!!

Here she is! Well, it's easy to see- Matry has my nose! It seems she has Ben's full lips and the shape of his eyes. Poor baby has my cheeks and round face! I can't get over how weird it feels to see her. Every sonogram gets a little more detailed- she finally looks like a little human being! Right now Matry is breech and her feet are up by her ears. We can't get over how huge her lips are- she was sucking on her bottom lip nearly the entire session. Anyway- here are some pictures. Merry Christmas!
A good picture of her leg, ankle bone and foot. She already has Ben's muscles (that's what Emry says at least!) :)

Look at the cheeks on this kid. Another two and a half months of baking- I'm afraid to see how much more they can grow!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Saturday Church...

A quick post- We went to Church last night at Community Bible Church in San Antonio for their Christmas special. It was amazing- like going to a holiday concert! Emry had a great time and it was amazing to see so many babies everywhere in their holiday outfits- I can't wait! Hurry up and come, Caroline!! Anyway, a few pictures of the Stakes' family in front of the Church Christmas tree as well as some silly pictures at dinner afterward. Love and miss you all.

A little bump in the road...

Hello all! Sorry I haven't written in a while- life has been kind of crazy. Last week I started having contractions, and apparently having contractions when you are only six-and-a-half months along is not a good thing. I was admitted in to labor and delivery (twice in two days) where they finally learned I have a bladder infection- who knew? Anyway, after some IV fluids and being put on an antibiotic all is peachy. And, of course, the entire time Matry was being monitored she was having a ball. She seems to be a bit spastic- almost like she scares herself when she moves. The best way I can explain it is she seems to be like my parent's dog, Sophie. For those of you who know Sophie, you understand. I hope she grows out of that stage, otherwise it should be interesting. I've attached a picture of what happens when it's difficult to get an IV to stay. Fun stuff!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Matry- 6 months

So we went for another 3-d sonogram today. Matry looks like a real baby compared to her alien-like photo shoot last time. She was moving around a ton and was having fun kicking me. She likes having her hands in her face and sucking on her hand. Here are some pictures of her- enjoy!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

You've got mail!

Nothing is better than getting mail. I don't mean junk mail or a Victoria's Secret catalog that makes us all want to stop eating for a year- I mean the type of mail that comes in a box- tagged with your name and ready to be ripped open. So, when I arrived home from work one night last week and saw a brown box on my kitchen table I was more than excited. Andrea and Mark sent us a box for Emry and Matry. It was filled with tons of the most adorable outfits for Matry, and some very "totally awesome" (Emry's favorite words) clothing for Em. What topped it off is the afghan Memere made Matry- it is absolutely beautiful and the perfect size. I can't thank Mark, Andrea and Memere enough for the beautiful gifts. We had a ton of fun opening everything up, and it made Matry feel so much closer when I was hanging everything up in her little closet. Other than that, we've been working hard at work and trying to stay awake until 9:30. It was actually 'cold' this weekend in texas- mid 50's. I took advantage of the holiday feeling and made a double batch of Betsy's chili. I have to say, nothing is better than walking in to a house that smells like warm chili. I've posted a few pictures. Please don't mind me in the pictures- I had just got home from a 9-hour workday and look less than flattering. Anyway, hope y'all enjoy. I miss and love y'all. Come soon Caroline!! P.S. Mark- wish I could have been at the labor class with y'all. Knowing me, I would have peed in my pants (as we all know.) I miss you guys! Can't wait to see you in a week, Taylor!!!!!!!!!!