Sunday, April 10, 2011


Wow- where do I start?! So much has happened in the last month! Matry joined us on March 16 at 6:45pm. She came out with swirly hair, long fingers and her daddy's ears :) Life has been wonderful with her- I can't remember life without her. A quick little blurb to catch you up to speed. Myself and Ben went in to labor and delivery the night of the 14th because I was having strong contractions. The contractions were real but for some reason my body was not progressing (not dilating- sorry boys.) My doctor was out of town for Spring Break (wonderful timing) so the doctor on call asked if we wanted to stay over night to be "watched" or did I just want to show up the evening of the 15th (the next day) as I had already been scheduled to be induced. We decided to go home to see if we could get any sort of sleep before we would have to return to the hospital. When we showed up on the 15th we were checked in to our room (which was beautiful) as we tried to prepare ourselves for what was supposed to happen. The doctor started my IV (fun stuff) and started me on a medication in the hopes that I would start to dilate. I'm a pro at having contractions- no trouble in that department, but, unfortunately, contractions alone will not get a baby out. About five hours after I had been given the medication I was checked by the nurse- still no progress. This is when the fun begins. There is this wonderful medication called Pitocin. Pitocin is used to advance labor. My contractions started to get stronger and stronger and closer together. It's a pain that is difficult to explain. It was tolerable- but not fun. After hours (about 10) of having contraction after contraction (and throwing up from the medication- sorry again) the doctor sadly told me I still had not dilated although my contractions were good and strong (a minute apart.) That's when we knew we would probably be set up for a C-section. I was disappointed I was not going to have her as planned, but at the same time I knew my body just wasn't going to help her out without the doctor's help. So- we were set for 6pm. That's when I started to get very VERY scared. After not having slept and being in pain/exhausted for hours on end, I started to panic and shut down. I did not think I could do it. I knew I didn't have a choice, but I was very afraid to go under the knife- even more afraid of the thing they kept calling "the spinal." Well, long story not soooo long, Matry joined this world at 6:45pm on the dot- screaming and crying. I didn't think I'd get emotional, but it just happens. Your body takes over and reacts in a beautiful way when you hear your baby cry for the first time. All we had been through in the last two years or so had finally come to a point. She was here- something we had waited for for so long- something I had waited for all my life. She was 6lbs 15oz and was nearly 21inches long! Every bit of her is perfect- all in the right place and beautiful. It has been one month (tomorrow) since we've had her and I wouldn't change anything for the world. Late-night feedings can be rough but at the same time every time I feed her is such a bonding experience. Everybody has been so supportive and helpful. Andrea and Caroline flew down to see her which was amazing! Taylor came down and fell in love too. Ben is an amazing dad and Emry is an amazing sister. I wish all of you were here. It's times like this that make it difficult to be away from family and friends- I want to share everything! We love and miss you all! P.S. Thank you cards for all the gifts and cards will be mailed shortly. Please don't think we don't appreciate every body's generosity. Love to you all! xoxoxo

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Matry is here (two weeks old)!

Okay y'all- as I'm sure you all know, Matry made her grand entry in to this world two weeks ago today, March 16. We have been SO BUSY trying to adjust to life with a new baby. We have a ton (and that may be an understatement) of pictures to post and share. I hope to get them all (or most) posted tomorrow if Matry lets me sleep a little tonight. Thank you all for your prayers and support. We love this little girl more than life itself. Hope to post tomorrow! xoxoxo

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The most random post(s)...

Okay, so I've fallen behind on my posting. So much has happened in the last month. To start with, here is Matry about two weeks ago. She has put on some weight (she has my cheeks) and the doctor says she has Angelina lips. I'm now a bit past 36 weeks- in the home stretch!

Here's something you don't see every day (or even ten years) in South Texas! It actually snowed a bit the day before my birthday. I don't know who looks more confused- Ben or Bruno?

Just a few days later the weather was back to normal. We decided to have a little picnic at the park. We had ham salad, grapes...and of course, ice-cream sandwiches. Emry had a blast!

Emry decided to take Fenway on a little walk around the park- by the time Fenway got back to our blanket she was pooped. Let's just say Fenway ate a little too many pecans this season!

Funny how Ben, Emry and Fenway all had red on- it could have been a family photo shoot- how sweet :)

Filthy Emry- she had a good soaking in the bath later that day!

Okay, so here is the girl's room. My mom was amazing with helping us get the room together. This is what the room looks like from the doorway walking in...

It's very feminine but not too babyish- just what I wanted. Plus, Emry still has her own space.

The changing table...

Here is the crib with the beautiful linens. My mom is so amazing- I came home from work to find everything put together and looking beautiful. I told her you can't surprise a hormonal pregnant woman- I cried!

I love this fabric- I think I bought it just a few weeks after we found out we were pregnant with Matry.

Kind of hard to see, but I framed the saying "Angels danced the day you were born." I love it.

Emry's bookcase- we have a ton of books for this kid, so we try to make sure she can get to them on her own. I think she is going to get her love of reading from me- she sleeps with a book under her pillow every night. What a cutie.

And now, are you ready? Emry turned six at Peter Pieper Pizza! Let's just say if Ben and I had been to this place sooner we may have waited a little longer to get pregnant :) Not really, but this place can be a bit crazy!!

Did I tell you Emry is CRAZY about Justin Bieber. I thought Uncle Mark would appreciate that. She was a little off and kept telling everybody she had the "Beaver Fever." She figured it out after a while. We got her a scooter for her birthday (which she has already put to use.) There is a miniature scooter attached to the front of her scooter where a Barbie can ride along. Move over Barbie, Justin was in the scooter roaming around the neighborhood.
Okay, so I think that's it for now- totally random, I know. I hope everybody is doing well. I miss you all- please pray that Matry comes soon!!!!!!!! xoxo

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Work Baby Shower for Matry- 31.5 weeks!

A sign I made for Matry's room- Emry has one too!

Yikes! A belly shot for Taylor.

Here is the glider my parents got us- I absolutely love it!

I bought this diaper bag for myself- it's perfect!

The cutest photo album- ever!

Diapers- thank God!

This is obviously for when she is closer to 9 mths old.

My boss, Shelley, made these. Sooooo cute!

Shelley also got us these- Matry's name is even on her robe!

This is also from Shelley (she went over and beyond). It is a diaper changing mat and wipes holder- so smart!

...and more from Shelley...

From Janine- Matry's very own photo album- starring her (of course!)

My coworkers were wonderful to me this morning and threw a baby shower for Matry. We got so much great (and useful) stuff! Who knew there is stuff called butt paste? The food at the party was amazing- homemade Reeses Peanut Butter Cheesecake- need I say more? After trucking in all of our goodies (and putting Emry to bed for a much-needed nap) I took pictures of just about everything we received. The coolest part was seeing everything with her name on it- it makes it feel so much more real! Here are some pictures, and I will upload pictures from the actual shower once I get them from my coworkers. Enjoy!