Friday, August 24, 2012


So, apparently I'm horrible with this blog.  I always say, "I'm going to sit down and post something tonight," and, you got it- I never do.  I thought I'd write a quick update.  Matry is doing well- she is getting so big!  She is about to be 18-months-old but acts like she is going on 30.  She even puts herself in time-out when she does something wrong.  Emry still thinks it's awesome being an older sister.  I walked in to their room a week or so ago and Emry was having Matry pick up all the clothes off of the floor.  I didn't realize what was going on until Emry referred to her as "Cinderella."  Yeah- these are my kids alright.  So, baby on the way!  We are in the home-stretch now!  We have decided to name our new addition Annabelle James.  For those of you who don't know, James is Ben's first name.  We are very excited and can't wait to meet her.  Well- that's it for now.  Hopefully I will post something in the near future- I'll try!   xoxoxoxo

Monday, June 25, 2012

We're back!

Hello family and friends!  After many many months (and years?) we're back!  I hope you didn't miss us too much!  We have some really exciting news to share with y'all, so I hope you're ready.  We're pregnant- again!   Some say we're crazy because Matry is only 15 months old, but who cares?  We're thrilled to be expecting again and don't care who knows about it!  :) 

I'm 19 weeks tomorrow- already!  And the exciting part?  We find out tomorrow if we will be having a James or an Annabelle!   I will keep you posted starting from here on out- I promise! 

Marquis, Ben, Em, Mouse and "baby"