Saturday, October 30, 2010

Pumpkin Painting Party

B.Y.O.P. Emry hosted a pumpkin painting party today with all of her friends. We had paint, feathers, sequins, googlie-eyes, pipe cleaners, pom-poms, glitter and more! The kiddos had a blast designing their own pumpkins, not to mention stuffing their faces with pizza and cupcakes. Sugar- whoo hoo!!!!! So, we've attached some pictures of the party. The weather is beautiful and we even had live music in the backyard thanks to a nearby fall festival. Hope you enjoy the pictures!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

17 weeks pregnant

Here I am about a week ago- we had a wedding to go to. It's difficult to find clothing that fits- so I had to make the best of this dress. I think it may be the last time I wear heals for a while...

Another picture

Here she is again- part of the placenta is covering the left side of her face, but it's a pretty good picture of her smiling. She really likes keeping her hands up by her ears. The technician had to keep poking at her to move. Seems like we are going to have a stubborn little girl on our hands...

Introducing Matry

Here she is- she hasn't filled out yet, but all of her pieces are all in the right places. Well, Ben says she looks good and she's only missing a penis. Hey, he'll get over it! She has a really cute nose (like Emry) and she is very active.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Tomorrow changes everything...

So, for those of you who know me, I'm not a very patient person. I've gotten better over the years, but, I haven't really mastered the art quite yet. So, I was sitting in my little cubicle at work listening to the white noise and counting down the minutes to my next potty break. Now that I'm pregnant, I can get up as much as I want to go to the restroom without weird stares. Anyway, sitting there, watching the clock blink when I overhead a conversation in the corridor next to mine. A woman (who is also 18 weeks pregnant) was telling her friend about a place in San Antonio where you can get a sonogram to determine the sex of your baby before your 20-week check-up. Before I even realized it, my head popped up so fast that it was too late to act like I wasn't listening to the conversation. Well, 15 minutes later (one potty break) I had called the place and booked my sonogram. Then it came. I started shaking and my heart started racing. I knew I was excited, but was I scared too? What was there to be afraid of? Well- this is it. I know I'm pregnant. It was a huge surprise when, not only did I pee on a positive stick, but the baby hung around long enough for me to see his little heart pumping. Until now, I know I have a baby growing inside of me. But, now that I will be finding out if this is a little girl or boy, I'm a little terrified. This is going to change my life as I know it. Am I going to be dealing with curly hair and barbie doll accessories, or am I going to have to throw cheerios in the toilet and hope that he has aim? So much is going through my head- it's such a big piece of news, and, whether I realize (or acknowledge it) or not, this baby is coming. The holidays are going to fly by and before I know it I'm going to be in my third trimester. Thrill and excitement is mixed with complete and utter horror. Am I going to get it right the first time? Do I have a choice? I only have one shot at raising this baby. I know I can do it and I'm so excited for the opportunity- I can't believe in less than 24 hours I will be able to put a name (and image) to this little bug crawling inside of me? Everyone asks, "Do you think it's a boy or girl? Which do you prefer." It's weird how I feel. I feel it's a girl, but every time I hear the heartbeat I wonder what kind of man he is going to grow up to be. I have no gut feeling and I have no preference. Like everybody says, "As long as it is healthy it doesn't matter." I agree. As long as it is healthy (and doesn't have too many arms or legs" I'm thrilled. Pray that I can sleep tonight. Until tomorrow...

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Thanks to Andrea, I've finally created a blog! As I'm sure you all know, the Stakes family is expecting an addition this March! After much waiting and learning what patience means, the little stick showed two red lines (and so did the other 40 sticks). Ben and I (and Emry!) are very excited about the creature growing inside of me. Ben and Emry are convinced it's a boy, but just about everybody else in this world believe I'm having a little girl. As for me, as long as it's healthy and doesn't have too many arms and legs, I'm thrilled! I have random pictures I need to post, but for now I thought I'd just get this started. More to come soon!